
Feb 25, 2013

The Life and Times..."Dark and Lovely Curl Power Celebration"

Last Wednesday, I went to a product release party for Dark and Lovely's new hair care line for coils and curls: Au Naturale. The event was hosted by the one and only Curly Nikki and special guest Marsha Ambrosius (Chrisette Michelle was originally scheduled to appear, but due to illness had to cancel). I really love to attend these events because it is a great way to meet other women who are natural and to celebrate the beauty of wearing your hair as you please. The event was full of so much positive energy and accompanied by live music spun by Amanda Diva, cute photo sessions and video testimonials, hair consultations and enough food and drinks flowing to add to the fun!!

Indeed we do!!

Product display

This I need to try
Insane crowd
Hey Muna!

More pictures after the jump...

After a bit of mingling and enjoying the atmosphere, Curly Nikki and Marsha Ambrosius came on stage to talk about natural hair love and the new product line from Dark and Lovely: Au Naturale.

Marsha talking to the crowd
Marsha and Curly Nikki
A very dark pic of Muna and I with Marsha Ambrosius
Pretty natural ladies!
When I went natural 6 years ago, there were little to no product available to help me maintain my hair. I had to conjure up homemade hair products to get the results that I craved. Now products specifically for natural hair care are everywhere...appealing to the product junkie in me <3 all="" already="" also="" amazing="" and="" br="" can="" cannot="" comes="" curl="" curly="" day="" eliminate="" elongation="" for.="" frizz...something="" girls="" give="" hair="" has="" have="" he="" help="" i="" is="" it="" know...i="" like="" line="" long="" many="" me="" mineral="" myself="" nbsp="" nectar...which="" no="" oil="" on="" or="" parabens="" petrolatum.="" plan="" product="" products.="" products="" said="" sealing="" seriously="" sheen="" smells="" soon...because="" t="" the="" to="" trying="" use="" very="" wait="" when="" you="">


